Table Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

Table Salt vs. Himalayan Salt

All salt is created equal, right? Wrong! The salt you’ll find in Q&A Himalayan Salt rock lamps is nothing like the salt on your dinner table. In this blog, we’ll discuss the differences between ordinary table salt and Himalayan salt, as well as the health and beauty benefits found in Himalayan salt that aren’t present in other salts.

Nutritional Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Over the past decade or so, salt in general has been developing as a stigma for being unhealthy for the body, and for good reason—consuming excessive amounts of sodium has been proven to contribute to high blood pressure, kidney disease, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and heart disease. However, sodium is essential for optimal body function and health, and with a proper amount of potassium intake, helps keeps blood pressure and fluid levels regulated in the body.

The key to reasonable blood pressure and good health is maintaining a proper balance between sodium and potassium in the body. If you consume much more salt than potassium in your diet, you’re more likely to experience high blood pressure or hypertension.

With refined table salt, you get a load of sodium without any potassium, as many nutrients are extracted from the salt as it’s processed. However, with unrefined Himalayan salt, you get a healthy dose of sodium and potassium at the same time, keeping your sodium-potassium ratio intact.

Because of its 84 trace minerals, unrefined Himalayan salt has other kinds of nutritional value as well. Himalayan salt carries all six essential electrolytes for the human body: sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium. Throw a quarter-teaspoon of Himalayan salt into a quart of water, and you have all the health and recovery benefits of a bottle of Gatorade®—without the boatloads of sugar.

Does table salt have all six electrolytes? Well, it has sodium.

Finally, Himalayan salt is incredibly helpful for proper thyroid function. Unrefined Himalayan salt contains iodine, which helps your body process thyroid hormones—without a healthy amount of iodine in your diet, you have a higher risk for developing hyperthyroidism.

Table salt has taken the importance of iodine into account—after decades of iodine-free table salt, synthetic iodine has been infused into the large majority of mass market table salt as an added health benefit. However, unrefined Himalayan contains a larger concentration of iodine, and it’s natural iodine—wouldn’t you rather consume your iodine from a natural source?

Ultimately, you need the best natural Himalayan salt for the best in health benefits. That’s where Q&A Himalayan Salt can help! We offer Himalayan salt rock lamps, cooking blocks, shot glasses, and more. Check out our collection today!

This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Q&A Supply, L.L.C. or its sister concern companies are not responsible for any misuse of Himalayan Salt Product or responsible of the above stated benefits.

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