3 Ways to Make Your Chiropractic Office Calming, Part 2

3 Ways to Make Your Chiropractic Office Calming, Part 2

Welcome back to our blog! In our recent post, we offered some tips for creating a truly peaceful and serene office space that is warm, calming, welcoming for your chiropractic patients. We suggested the following:
  • Hang pictures of nature on your walls
  • Add plants and flowers to your office
  • Play calming music
  • Replace bright lights with dim lamps and Himalayan salt lamps

Here are a few more helpful tips for creating a calming atmosphere in your chiropractic office that your patients will appreciate. Are you ready to add a Himalayan salt lamp to your office and treatment rooms? Visit Q&A Himalayan Salt to shop our extensive selection of 100 percent pure pink Himalayan salt lamps and salt products.

Use Deep, Muted Colors

Colors can affect a person’s mood, so it’s important to consider what kind of mood you want to set for your patients when they walk in the door. As a wellness center, you likely want them to feel calm and relaxed, so using dee yet muted tones such as purples and blues can help soothe your patients while helping them to feel comforted and calm.

Add a Fishtank

Fish tanks inspire feelings of relaxation, calmness, and serenity. Adding a living element such as a fish tank can completely transform your waiting room, making it feel less like a doctor’s office and more like an inviting oasis where one can relax and decompress. Fish tanks have a way of connecting people to nature, which can be highly restorative.

Offer Beverages

Many people carry water bottles with them nearly everywhere they go, but it’s still a good idea to have water readily available for your patients. You can offer plain water in a Deep Rock water dispenser or offer fruit-infused water and teas that your patients can enjoy while they wait. Plus, this will help hydrate them before and after a treatment.

Order a Himalayan Salt Lamp For Your Office

Pink Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions into the air that offer a plethora of health and wellness benefits that improve mood, reduce stress, and inspire calmness. Adding a Himalayan salt lamp to your waiting room and treatment rooms can help create a serene atmosphere in your practice. Visit Q&A Himalayan Salt to order 100 pure salt lamps mined from untouched crystal formations found deep within the Himalayas. Until next time, thanks for reading!

This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Q&A Supply, L.L.C. or its sister concern companies are not responsible for any misuse of Himalayan Salt Product or responsible of the above stated benefits.

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